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Things To Know Before Graduating College

Amanda Maggiore

We have all dreamed about our life after college and how it will be. But are you truly prepared for post-grad life?

Life after college can be scary. Like, smack you in the face until you fall down scary. But, there is so much good that comes after leaving the bubble of college that it overshadows the negatives.

What College Didn’t Teach Me talks about things you should know before you graduate college. Here is some of our best advice to get you through the starting points of post-grad life.

Friendships Will Come and Go

Unfortunately, that is correct. We know you are so close with lots of people in college, but many of those friendships fade. What we have learned is that friends come in for a reason and a season. Some people were the best to be around during your four years in college but after you leave the protected nest, priorities don’t always align. Understand that it is okay to let go of friendships and it is okay for people to let go of you. That leaves more room in your circle for others that make you happy in your new phase of life and have the same goals and ambitions as you.

After college, communication will fade between you and individuals. At one time you couldn’t go a few hours talking to each other, but now, you only see their inconsistent Instagram posts every once in and while. That is the most contact you have with them. Know that this is very normal and every person entering the post-grad world goes through this. Never settle for a friendship that is not benefiting you in any way. If there is a person bringing you down or not aligning with your life, be brave and have an honest conversation about how you are two different people and there needs to be less time spent together.

Friends will always come and go no matter your life stage. Put your time and effort into the ones that benefit you the most.

Prioritize YOU

We are entering our selfish era and it is perfectly acceptable. The post-grad life can get overwhelming with so many things like work, side hustles, friends, dinners, celebrations, trips, and family, to name a few. We are all trying to find a balance between taking care of ourselves and doing lots of other things too.

Post-grad is the time to really invest in yourself. You have the freedom and capability to make yourself 1% better each day. Write down your flaws and weak points and figure out how to improve upon them. Day in and day out, practice good habits that allow you to grow as an individual. College doesn't teach you to take care of yourself, quite the opposite actually. You have to teach yourself and work hard at changing yourself for the better, whatever that might be. You can do big and small things like make a skincare routine, or invest in training to get a certification you have been wanting.

The steps you take today for a better you will change your direction and future. All the positive thoughts and actions you have on yourself provide a solid foundation to jump-start your post-grad life. The after-college life is not for the weak, so work hard at making yourself the best version of yourself possible.

Jobs Are Not Easy To Find

With the technology and availability we have today, you would think finding a job after college would be easy, right? Wrong. It is a battle.

What College Doesn’t Teach Me shares important tips and tricks on how to find the right job while networking. Take your time finding a decent job that you enjoy. Begin looking at all different websites to find open jobs. Also, if you want to go above and beyond, look up your industry and who are the leading companies in the area you live in. That way you could go to their personal sites and apply for jobs on their career pages. This is a more direct way of applying and you have a better chance of getting your application in front of people.

Begin connecting with individuals on LinkedIn and lead with a message like, “Hello! My name is ___ and I am a current student at ____ looking for a full-time role in ____. I would love to hear advice from you on anything about the industry. Thanks for your time.” You would be amazed at how many people are willing to help college students find a job after college. Getting your name and experience out as much as possible is crucial to finding a job.

The process can be devastating, heartbreaking, soul-sucking, and draining, but do not lose hope. There are so many roles out there that could use your soft skills, you just have to be patient and look for them!

Living An Adult Life Is Expensive

Inflation has been no help but living an adult life can be pricey!!

Bills begin to stack up and there are a lot more payments you must make in order to live on your own. Budgeting and having an idea of your money management will help set you up for success. You can designate portions of your money to savings, retirement, rent, bills, car payments, gifts, fun, and experiences. Diving up your budget and sticking with it will not only give your room to boost savings and retirement funds but set a solid foundation for your new post-grad life.

It is okay to say no to things if it does not fit into the budget. You will thank yourself later. Only do what you can afford and pick up side gigs if you really want to be spending money on extras like travel, entertainment, clothes, and more. There are so many out there that could help you bring in more cash each month. Prepare for some unexpected costs and know that savings and retirement funds are your best friends:)

Now there is so much that could be added to this list, but What College Didn’t Teach Me by Amanda Maggiore touches on every single thing you need to know before graduating college. Check out her book here or on Amazon!

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May 03, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So many good points about navigating post grad life!

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