Your classes today do not determine your future tomorrow. This controversial statement probably makes a lot of you upset right away. You have studied and worked hard to pass classes to get the desired degree. While yes, some classes, I hope, do affect your future if you are going into the medical field, law, or something that requires extensive knowledge, not all will impact your future. Meanwhile, your future is not impacted by the classes.
Let me break it down for you. Your life is going to change hundreds of times. I mean hundreds. You will have this plan on what is “next” but you blink one time and suddenly it is a whole other track you didn’t even see coming. Those boring classes that you sat through have 0 impact on what is going on in your life in the future. I mean none. If you are playing the long, 15-17 year game of school, you will go through so many classes that have no purpose. They do not make you a better person, they do not bring value to your life, and they do not provide ways to live. They are just so a university can make money. That is all. If there were no students, universities wouldn’t be around, right? So think about all the time you wasted in classes, let alone money. Doesn’t that just make you upset?! I know when I think about the gen ed classes and others that I did not need or want, it makes me annoyed that I wasted so much effort on them.
For the majority of you, you will not even go into the career field you studied. Most people do not use their degrees at all in their working life. At some point, you will be sitting in your desk chair reflecting on how you stressed about the most meaningless classes while sipping coffee and staring at your computer realizing you are not using an ounce of what you learned.
The best career is when you teach yourself. It is when you take the time to get to know a practice, or a skill, and get certified on your own in things that interest you. That is what impacts your future. You are choosing to build the life YOU want, and on your time, not based on someone else’s agenda. What you teach yourself and learn on your own is 100x more valuable than any other university class. You will be the happiest in life when you find things you want to learn and make something of your interests.
Think about it. If universities taught the “non-traditional career path” of multiple streams of income, side hustles turned full-time work, and other kinds of work people do, they would be put out of business. They teach what corporate America is looking for (to a degree) so that the students coming out are well-groomed in the process. If everyone went rogue, the economy and education system would tank completely.
Why am I saying this? Because you do not need to stress. If you are only worrying about the class to get a good grade and improve your GPA, then let it be just that. Side note, the majority of jobs do not care about your GPA. So RELAX. It is not as serious as you think. There are so many more serious things happening in your life that are real-life problems. Do not let school be one of them. These useless classes, anal professors, and money-hungry institutions do not care about you or your personal life. They care about getting your money in exchange for your magical piece of paper. Life outside of school is more important and more impactful than most of the classroom sessions you will attend.
You can learn and grow on your own. You can have a successful career without college. For example, everything I do today was self-taught and workforce-taught. I did not learn an ounce of what I am doing through school. You have the ability to make your life whatever you want. Do not let outdated, and mind-numbing classes prevent you from chasing your dreams and believing in yourself.
What College Didn’t Teach Me talks about all the skills acquired after graduation in post-grad life that should have been taught while in college. Check out the interactive book to get ready for the post-grad world.
this helped me realize not to lean to hard on my degree as a crutch and to be open to learning life lessons and using them to be successfu!
so true. i do not know many people who use their degrees for very long, or ever after they graduate.